
Taktile is the leading software platform for automated decisioning that empowers decision-makers to build, evaluate, and update automated decision flows faster than ever before.


Embedded credit infrastructure

Taktile is a software platform that allows fintechs and banks to build, run and evaluate automated decision flows quicker and more data-driven than ever before.

With Taktile, the right people in the organization have the tools they need to build, evaluate and manage decision logic independently. Decision-makers can easily make changes to complex decision flows without engineering assistance, back-test the change to see what its impact would have been, and even iterate repeatedly using A/B tests to ensure they are making the best decision before implementing the new flow. Taktile also converts decision logs and historical data into actionable assets that risk managers can use to react to dynamic markets and evaluate the impact of every change to their decision flows before setting them live – enabling them to choose facts over gut feeling.