Use Codat’s Shopify API integration to connect to, retrieve, and view your customers' data including Transactions, Disputes, Products, and Payments.
Use Codat’s Shopify API integration to connect to, retrieve, and view your customers' data including Transactions, Disputes, Products, and Payments.
Shopify is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that helps small and medium-sized businesses sell their products online.
Details on the requirements for integrating with the Shopify API can be found in our docs. For more information about how Codat can help you integrate and connect with your Shopify customers, please get in touch below.
Shopify is one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world, It is used by over 1 million SMBs in more than 175 countries.
Clients can use Codat’s Shopify API integration to power a range of use cases including cash flow forecasting and business financial management dashboards, as well as enhancing their underwriting processes. Commerce data like Shopify can also be used to build value-add features for SMBs such as automated reconciliation and instant payouts.
We provide consented access to the data found in your business customers’ Shopify account via the official Application Programming Interface (API). Your customers control this access at all times and we never see their login credentials.
The integration maps real-time and immutable merchant data from the Shopify platform to Codat’s standardised commerce data model and makes it available via our universal, developer-friendly API and Portal.
You can get up and running today via our Free Trial or Start-Up plans. Visit pricing to find out more.
Codat’s Shopify integration supports a range of data types including Company Info, Customers, Disputes, and Products. To gain a full understanding of exactly which data sets are available, please visit our docs.
Download our guide to connecting with eCommerce and Payments software to better understand Codat’s coverage and why commerce data is so valuable
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